Ahad, September 27, 2009
Catatan (Atom)
Cheat Warcraft Disini
itvexesme=Turn off Victory
thedudeabides=Instant spell performance
synergy=Turn off Tech-Tree
pointbreak=Units need no farms
whosyourdaddy=Invulnerability and 1 shot kills
keysersoze (value)=Gold
motherland(race)(level number)=Level select
leafittome (value) =Lumber
greedisgood (value) =Lumber and Gold
iocainepowder=Instant doom
whoisjohngalt=Quick research
sharpandshiny=Research all upgrades
thereisnospoon=Infinite mana
lightsout= Night
strengthandhonor=Play after dying in campaign mode
iseedeadpeople=View entire map
allyourbasearebelongtous=Instant Win
somebodysetusupthebomb=Instant Loss
WarpTen=Speeds up the construction of buildings and units
WhoIsJohnGalt=Enable research
TenthLevelTaurenChieftain=Play the "Power of the Horde" song
-creepmeout=Play as Creeps in Monolith
-ar=All players get random heroes in DotA maps.
-ap=Picks heroes from the opposite tavern in DotA maps.
"maxfps(x)" where x is number
sets the frames per second into the set number
-fun=open the fun tavern